
Understanding the Social Development Among Preschoolers


Several important social developments occur during preschool years, as recognized by various childcare services. When our children are in this particular period, they’ll discover so many things about themselves as well as interact with others.

In this time, they will be as selfish as before, and they will become less dependent on us parents as well.

It’s a positive sign that they have begun building a stronger and more secure self-identity. Read on to know more about social development occurring in preschoolers.

  • Learning to Cooperate

    In the beginning, as parents, we need to motivate this kind of cooperation. For example, we should recommend that they utilize their words in dealing with their problems instead of just acting out. Let’s remind them as well, when they’re sharing a toy with another child, each gets an equal turn.

    It’s also advisable that we train our kids by being role models. For instance, we should show them how to peacefully cope with conflicts. These are also encouraged at preschools such as the preschool in Texas.

  • Anger or Frustration Gets Physical

    There may be times that no matter how we try to prevent it, our children’s anger or frustration turns physical. When it occurs, we should stop them from hurting others and take them away from other kids. We should speak with them about their feelings and know the reason that made them upset.

    We should let them know that we understand and accept their feelings, but we should make it very clear attacking other children physically is a bad way of expressing these emotions. A preschool or a daycare center also does its best to prevent anger and frustration in preschoolers from turning physical.

  • Apologizing

    As parents, we should aid our children in seeing the situation from the other kid’s perspective, remind them of certain situations wherein somebody screamed or hit them, and then give suggestions on how to peacefully solve such conflicts.

    After they understand that they’ve done something wrong, we should ask them to “say sorry” to the other kid. But remember, it’s not enough to say sorry to correct bad behavior. Our children need to understand why they are apologizing. Preschool teachers teach our kids to apologize when doing something bad as well.

  • Make-Believe Play

    Thankfully, the interests of the three-year-olds limit fight to the least. Most of their playtime is spent on fantasy activity, which is more cooperative compared to play focused on toys or games.

Preschoolers love assigning themselves various roles in fancy games of make-believe utilizing imaginary things or household items. This helps develop essential skills like focusing, responding to the actions of others, communicating, and taking turns.

At Preschool On Shiloh, we help your children do well in their social development through our excellent curriculum, highly proficient teachers, and great facilities and amenities. Feel free to contact our childcare in Garland, Texas.

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