
Proper Hygiene Against Infections


Proper hygiene is a fundamental practice in childcare services. Teachers must follow hygiene techniques to keep the staff, the children in the center, and their families away from illnesses.

But not only adults must follow protocols, but the children at the daycare center must also take part in keeping the environment clean and conducive for playing and learning.

What practices should we teach children at Preschool in Texas?

  • Bathing

    Daily bathing keeps kids feeling fresh and clean all over. It removes bacteria and viruses that may cause different illnesses.

  • Hand washing

    Washing with soap and clean water help wash away the germs that cause various type of diseases. It is one of the best solutions for keeping children away from infections. Do it after playing, before meals, and after touching surfaces indoors and outdoors.

  • Coughing and sneezing etiquette

    Cover the kids’ mouths and noses when they cough or sneeze, especially when they are not feeling well. This is to avoid spreading viruses that could infect other children.

  • Toothbrushing and flossing

    Part of proper hygiene is brushing of teeth and flossing. They remove bacteria inside the mouth that could cause tooth decay and tonsillitis.

Healthy children are happy children. Keep a healthy and successful preschool program by introducing proper ways to care for themselves. Start as early as preschool.

For quality childcare in Garland, Texas, choose only the best. Find loving and dedicated teachers here at Preschool On Shiloh.

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